Monday 30 December 2013

Christmas concert

We had over 60 people attend our concert and help raise funds towards equipment for the nursery. The children practised singing throughout the term. They sang 12 songs and we even got the parents to join in with "head, shoulders, knees and toes....".

Monday 21 October 2013

Family picnic day

We held a family picnic day for all our families. It was great to see so many families attending and help us raise money for the outdoor weather suits. The children made cakes, pinned the nose on the teddy and went on a teddy bear hunt. There were raffle prizes too!

Thursday 1 August 2013

School leavers party 'Pirates & Princesses'

A great turn out for our themed dress up day with some fantastic outfits! We wish them all the best in their first year at school.

Friday 26 July 2013

Some Great News

We are really proud to say....
That we have been recognised as one of the top 40 high quality settings in Essex! We would like to thank all our staff for their great work and could not have achieved this without parental support!
Staff training this term has included: safeguarding, outdoor play focusing on recycled materials and working with children who have English as a second language.

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Sports Day 2013

The children took part in various activities including balancing bean bags on their heads, throwing and catching activities, an obstacle course, hula hooping and of course some running races. We also included a parent race at the end! All of the children received a medal and a certificate. Thanks again to all the spectators that came along and took part.

Saturday 6 July 2013

Summer Fete

The rain held off for our Teddy Tombola and "Guess the name of the Rhinoceros". We raised a healthy £140.00 for the nursery which we are putting towards buying new equipment for the children. Thankyou for your support, it was great to see so many families attend.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Nursery leavers trip to Barleylands

This year we took the children to a local farm. We based the trip on the story "The Little Red Hen Makes Pizza". The children made pizza from the very beginning to the end seeing it develop from flour to dough to adding the toppings and putting it in the oven. We also went on a tractor ride and had an opportunity to feed some of the animals. Some of the parents joined us as well to take part in the fun!

Monday 10 June 2013

Dads week

We value dads at Meadgate Nursery and understand that it is important for dads to be involved in their child's learning and development. To celebrate Fathers Day we held a 'dads week' which involved the children's dads taking some time away from work or other commitments and to come and spend some time and play and to take part in some of the exciting activities we plan for the children.
We loved that we had two dads who came and brought their packed lunch to have with their child. We had several who came to read a story and to play in our redeveloped garden. It was great for the children to have male role models within the setting and we hope to make this an annual event.

Sunday 20 January 2013

Meadgate in the snow

January brought us snow and an opportunity to have fun over the weekend building snowmen, throwing snowballs and riding on sledges. The nursery had a new visitor - a snowman built by our very own Isabella!